Bulletproof Vest Designs And How They Work

When deciding on the ideal bulletproof vest for your purposes, it helps to be equipped with everything you need to make an informed decision. In this brief guide, we will delve into a few frequently asked questions about these essential pieces of protective wear, as well as examine the different categories and styles of bulletproof vests and plate carriers.

Whatever your reason for purchasing a bulletproof vest, whether it be for personal protection, security, combat purposes, or law enforcement, Futurama is your one-stop shop for the highest quality ballistic vests, plate carriers, and tactical gear.

With potentially life-saving items like these, it helps to know that we source our products from some of the most respected brands in the industry – we take quality seriously. So, if these topics pique your interest, why not read on to discover more?



Are Bulletproof Vests Legal In South Africa?

Fortunately, there are no restrictions on the use of bulletproof vests in South Africa, and this includes civilian use. If you feel that is necessary, you are completely within your rights to protect yourself or your loved ones with this life-saving equipment.


Will Bulletproof Vest Stop AK 47 Bullet?

The answer to this will depend quite heavily on the protection rating of the body armour in question, as vests and armour below IIA would not be able to stop a bullet of this calibre. However, IIIA and above should be more than capable of stopping a few bullets from an AK-47 – especially when paired with hard armour plates.


Is It Legal For Me To Wear A Bulletproof Vest?

Yes, it is perfectly legal for you to wear a ballistic vest, plate carrier, or any other form of protective wear. A part of the reason for this is that these items are designed exclusively for protection purposes, meaning they present no danger to anyone else and only serve to safeguard the wearer. This is why ballistic vests are classed as legal for anyone to wear in South Africa.



How Long Do Bulletproof Vests Last?

Most high-quality bulletproof vests should be more than capable of offering between 5-10 years of frequent use. As is the case with most materials, even ballistic garments, wear and tear will eventually become a problem, as the ballistic plates will start to degrade. If you think your ballistic protective wear is beginning to reach the end of its lifespan, we highly recommend replacing it as soon as it is feasible, otherwise, it could fail – and this should be avoided at all costs.


Bulletproof Vest South Africa: Protection Ratings And What They Mean

There are five classifications of bulletproof vests and other ballistic protective equipment, these are II, IIA, III, IIIA, and IV. The ‘A’ present after some of these classifications indicates that the armour is a sizable improvement on those without it, but not enough of an improvement to be considered the same quality as the next classification. For example, IIIA offers substantially more protection than III gear, however, it is not at the standard of IV equipment.

In past guides, we have explained what each of these ratings means with regard to the calibre of bullets they can withstand. As a general rule, most soft body armour is level IIIA and below, whereas the majority of hard body armour is considered to be III and above; this would also include the ballistic plates one would place into a plate carrier.

These ratings come from the NIJ or the National Institute of Justice, and they are exceptionally important. Without them, the lines might be blurred when it comes to the performance of the ballistic protective equipment. As you can imagine, this would be hugely problematic, as there would be no way of differentiating between the protection offered by different pieces of equipment.


Kevlar Bulletproof Vest: Soft And Hard Body Armour

There are a few key differences between these two types of body armour, and they are designed for unique purposes. When it comes to soft armour, the most popular material you will find is Aramid, or Kevlar, as it is more commonly known. Recently, Dyneema has also started entering the fold – It has some unique advantages compared to Kevlar.

Kevlar, however, consists of threads that are woven together in an extremely tight fashion, enabling it to stop bullets from penetrating the material and injuring the wearer. It does this by distributing the impact’s force across the entire woven design, ultimately allowing the material to absorb the energy produced by the bullet.

Kevlar is surprisingly lightweight and can bend and flex with the wearer, making it an ideal choice for those who need to be highly mobile and quick on their feet. Interestingly, the tightly packed nature of these fibres makes Kevlar between five to ten times stronger than steel, and much more effective at withstanding heavy impacts.

Another major upside of soft body armour is that it is concealable, meaning it can be worn underneath other garments without being visually noticeable. The downside of this style of protective wear is that it can only stop smaller calibre rounds, usually those fired by a handgun.



On the flip side, hard body armour is designed for individuals who can expect to be involved in active combat or work in environments where they require protection not only from smaller calibre rounds but from rifles and larger rounds.

Most hard body armour is manufactured using ceramic or steel, and they are considerably heavier than their soft armour counterparts and do not flex or bend. With that being said, their thicker, heftier nature comes with certain benefits, including the ability to stop most munitions, with the exception of armour-piercing rounds.

Many militaries, law enforcement, and security personnel wear both soft and hard body armour simultaneously, offering ultimate protection. To simplify it somewhat, if you are expecting to encounter fire from handguns and smaller calibre firearms, soft body armour should be sufficient. However, if there is a possibility that you might run into individuals with rifles, hard body armour becomes a necessity.


Bulletproof Vest: Recommendations From Our Online Store

At Futurama, we have one of, if not the largest selection of high-level bulletproof vest options, plate carriers, and other combat essentials. Herewith a few suggestions from our selection:


Duke Bulletproof Vest Wide Covert Jacket System – Level II

This offering is designed for individuals who need to keep a low profile, as it can be completely concealed under one’s clothing – thicker coats or jackets are ideal. Despite being so easily hidden, the protection this bulletproof vest provides is comprehensive, meaning full front and back protection, safeguarding your vital organs against potential threats.

Duke is known for their unmatched comfort and flexibility, and the Bulletproof Wide Covert Jacket is a testament to this. The innovative Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene or UHMWPE, is incredibly breathable and reduces heat build-up considerably – not to mention that it is fifteen times stronger than steel! This is an excellent option for anyone seeking to protect themselves, their coworkers, or their family.


Zebra Armour Complete Delta 2-90 Bulletproof Vest System – Level IIIA

If you are looking for a higher level of protection, it is exceptionally challenging to find a better manufacturer than Zebra Protection. The Complete Delta 2-90 incorporates both soft and hard armour, with a IIIA protection rating, as well as an ultra-durable ALCP3+ III+ armour plate for additional stopping power.

This vest system also features a drag handle, adjustable shoulders and sides, a full Molle system, and there are plenty of heat management materials available that should ensure optimal breathability and comfort. Regardless of your line of work, this offering is sure to keep you as safe as possible.



Bulletproof Vest: Professions

As we mentioned earlier, there are zero restrictions over who is allowed to purchase or wear ballistic protective equipment, so anyone who deems it necessary is able to acquire a bulletproof vest. There are certain professions which are higher risk and could warrant the protection a bulletproof vest or plate carrier can provide.

Let’s have a look at a few of these:

  • Military personnel
  • Law enforcement
  • Armour car companies
  • Volunteers in dangerous locations
  • Security guards
  • Bouncers
  • ATM repairmen
  • Jewellers
  • Cash transporters
  • Bank employees
  • Game rangers combating poaching
  • Repo men



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